Has everyone read the new book or seen the movie “The Secret?” I heard so much buzz about it and bought two of the books (one for me and one for me son) and bought the movie. I crawled in bed to watch the movie and about 15 minutes into it I fell asleep. When I woke up, I thought to myself “Oh My God, I just fell asleep during something that was supposed to be life altering.” I quickly put the movie back on and started watching it and I realized the reason I fell asleep was because I was already following the chart that these people had plotted for the me. This movie/book is about believing in you. It’s about not dwelling on the things that are bad for you or negative and putting your on emphasis on the things that are positive.
I came from a dysfunctional family, but who hasn’t. My parents were young and had no idea how to raise kids. I think they weren’t grown up enough and still wanted to party. It wasn’t until I was in counseling that I told my psychologist, “I just want a NORMAL” family life.” He said, “What is NORMAL? Did you read in a book somewhere what normal is supposed to be? I thought about that. I said, “I just want a family who can sit at dinner together and talk about their day, help one another, not be mean to each other and basically just love each other.” Then he told me this story. He had a family who would get together every Friday night with pizza and beer and just sit around and eat, drink and talk. They would all drink until they got drunk and when one of them shot their gun into the ceiling, they knew it was time to go home. To them, that was normal. After I picked my jaw off the ground I thought, yeah, everyone has some sort of “dysfunction” in their life, and it must feel normal to them. Have you ever caught yourself thinking, isn't everyone's home life like mine?
What I am trying to say is that there is negative and positive in every single person’s life in this world. The “Secret” is telling us to not dwell on the negative because it isn’t going to get you anywhere, you will just attract more negative by dwelling on it. It is much more productive to think about the positive and make a change in your life. It's about the "Law of Attraction." Think about the the things that you want, the things that you love and the things that make you happy. When you think about those things, you attract them to you. The opposite is true also. If you think about the negative, such as bills, sickness, not enough money, etc., those things will happen also. You won't have enough money, you will be overwhelmed with bills, you will attract sickness. I believe in my heart that this is why when people are told they have cancer and that they are going to die, they prepare themselves for death. It is the ones who say, no I am going to live and fight this that recuperate and give their disease a good fight.
I have always wanted to be involved in music. I don’t know how to play an instrument, but I can sing. I have a good ear for music and am really good at picking the songs that will make it and the ones that won’t. So, when I heard about Big Dawg Radio, I had to become a DJ. I spoke with my son and he said, mom, what is stopping you from doing this? I thought, yeah, what is stopping me?
One more remark and then I am gone. Parents, please listen to your kids. My oldest son is so precious to me because I was young when he was born and I believe in my heart that he taught me a lot more than I could ever teach him. Sometimes I look at my middle son and I think, I don’t want to hear that, but he takes after me and I think I sometimes don't want to hear what he says because I see myself talking to me and I don’t like what I hear. They are young and haven't been long in this world, but they are just as in tune with what is going on around them than a lot of grown ups are. We have a lot of laughter in our house and don’t take things so serious because life is hard enough to live through without getting upset all the time. We are happy and that is all that really matters. Make your dreams come true!
Posted by Hippie Chick at 10:08 AM /